Kade Grafel

Kade Grafel

As a research analyst at Decision Innovation Solutions, Kade is responsible for conducting economic impact and contribution analysis, writing reports, and data management and analysis. These are all utilized to assist clients in making informed and strategic business decisions. 

Blog posts by this Author:

  • An Overview of the New IMPLAN Data

    IMPLAN's newest dataset was released at the end of November 2023. This dataset, based on 2022 data, is the most recent snapshot of economic activity by industry at the national, state, and county level.

  • Estimating the Economic Impact of the Recent Auto Worker Strikes

    The United Auto Workers (UAW), a union of American automobile manufacturing workers, has recently reached a deal with the “big three” US-based automakers: General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis.

  • Change in Crop Exports by Port

    The past several years have been a turbulent period for international trade. With a pandemic, a major trade conflict, a war in Europe, and other weather- and supply chain-based disruptions, there has been no shortage of events causing major changes to the flow of goods around the world.

  • Relative Presence of Food Deserts in the United States

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service publishes the Food Access Research Atlas, which is a dataset measuring areas of the U.S. that have difficulty with reliable access to food through grocery stores or supermarkets. There is significant regional variation in the presence of food deserts throughout the United States. While some cities and states appear to have few problems with reliable access to food, it remains a serious issue for many others.

  • Recent IMPLAN Improvements

    The IMPLAN modeling system continues to expand and improve. The IMPLAN API makes large projects more feasible, and IMPLAN now has several different data products allowing for economic impact and contribution analyses to be conducted internationally.

  • Taking a Look at the Latest IMPLAN Data

    IMPLAN recently released their newest dataset. Constructed using 2021 data, this dataset represents the most current economic data available at this level of detail.

  • Illustrating the Difference Between an Impact and Contribution Analysis

    Two types of analysis we frequently do are economic impact studies and economic contribution studies. But what exactly is the difference between an impact and a contribution study?

  • Kansas Commodity Flow Highlights

    Here at DIS, we have recently completed an Agribusiness Commodity Flow Study for the Kansas Department of Agriculture. Click to read about the Kansas Commodity Flow Highlights.

  • My First Month At DIS

    DIS wanted to know how Kades first month has been, so we asked him!

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